So as educators who are directly related to the teaching and learning process play an important role in determining student learning outcomes, for that lecturers must change the old teaching pattern by using constructivism learning so that it can provide learning motivation for students. The magnitude of the effect of constructivism learning on the learning motivation of UNVIC students is 0.998.

Mustaqim, psikologi pendidikan ialah ilmu yang mempelajari prasyarat-prasyarat (faktor-faktor) bagi pelajar di sekolah, berbagai jenis belajar dan fase-fase dalam semua proses belajar. Constructivism learning has an effect on providing learning motivation for students in following the learning process. Buku Administrasi Dan Supervisi Pendidikan karya M. Winkel di dalam buku Psikologi Pendidikan karangan Drs. This research approach is a quantitative research with a correlational approach, which is to find out how much influence Constructivism Learning has in the online learning process on students' learning motivation by using SPSS. The population in this study consisted of 30 people and the determination of the sample was taken from the entire population, so the number of samples was 30 people. Motif itu berfungsi sebagai penggerak atau motor yang memberi energi (kekuatan) seseorang untuk melakukan suatu tugas. The use of the model is needed so that the process of delivering material or learning materials can generate student learning motivation, the results of which will determine the achievements to be achieved by students. Ngalim Purwanto Ada tiga fungsi motivasi dalam belajar, yaitu: Mendorong manusia untuk berbuat atau bertindak. Tim Pengembang Ilmu Pendidikan, Ilmu dan Aplikasi Pendidikan, cet. For this reason, the selection of the right learning model is a demand and must be met by an educator. Ngalim Purwanto, Psikologi Pendidikan Remaja, (Bandung: Remaja Rosda Karya, 1996), 85. And the delivery of material is only centered on the educator. The implementation of learning during the covid-19 pandemic experienced obstacles, namely learning was carried out online so that educators could not properly control their students.